
How Heart of Avalon Supports Holistic Health Entrepreneurs

How Heart of Avalon Supports Holistic Health Entrepreneurs

When it comes to starting their own practice, many holistic health entrepreneurs are daunted by the mountain of tasks that lay before them. You’ve probably have asked yourself some of the following questions:

  • How do I find clients that resonate with my work?
  • How can I get repeat clients?
  • How can I get support from people who know just how hard it is to run a business?

It is Heart of Avalon’s mission to help the healers of this world successfully fulfill their calling–and it truly is a calling! Most healers feel a draw, from deep inside, toward helping others and making the world a better place by empowering, nurturing, mending, and encouraging others to be their best.

However, many healers struggle with having sales conversations, setting a price-point for their services, and creating a robust marketing plan. We live in a world that puts higher value on profit, but healers know that the greatest return is the betterment of humanity, society, and our world.

Heart of Avalon also knows this to be true.

A man in sunglasses meditating to find balance as a holistic health entrepreneur

The world needs this kind of guidance and support from the healers. It needs balance, forgiveness, community connection, and hope. Heart of Avalon wants to support all kinds of holistic health practitioners to build this in our local communities, because that is where we actually live.

Healers like you help lead us to become more united, more empathetic, more balanced, more caring, and more kind. In a world too often divided, moving toward unity – comm-unity! – is the right path for long-term success.

For this reason, Heart of Avalon is dedicated to support holistic health practitioners to do their great, healing work while being able to live a life of balance.

What Services Does Heart of Avalon Provide For Holistic Health Entrepreneurs?

Paying the rent or mortgage, enjoying good health, having time for self-care – those things matter. That is why our goal is to heal the healer, so you can strengthen yourself and your community through your business.

We offer a number of services that can help you get started and move forward with your practice, such as forums, online courses, and much more!

Networking Forums for Holistic Health Entrepreneurs

A screenshot of our member forums for holistic healers, designed to help holistic health entrepreneurs work together

Every community is built on a network. Heart of Avalon is creating that network for healers and for the seekers on our forums! You can talk about your products and services, gain valuable feedback from other healers, and find ways to reach more clients.

Online Courses and Training About Business Ownership

A person sitting at a table working on a laptop

We are developing training and coursework that can help you learn the skills to help run your practice successfully. We will offer guides on having sales conversations, creating a thriving marketing plan, and more!

Premium Member Spotlights And Guest Articles

Four people embracing each other as they face a bright sunset

You can also join our wait list to sign up for Premium Membership at Heart of Avalon! You’ll get exclusive access to such as monthly meetings, featured spotlights in our community, and the chance to write guest posts on our blog!

Interested? Join our newsletter to be the first to hear about it!

Come Join Us

There’s no need to wait– you can create a free profile on Heart of Avalon today! Our staff is available to answer your questions and to offer the guidance you need.

Healers can feel good in working with clients and watching them grow and thrive with assistance. The clients can feel themselves grow into their own power and find themselves living a life of better balance.

Sign up as a member of Heart of Avalon today!



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